West Oxfordshire District Council have published a draft supplementary planning document (SPD) on developer contributions for consultation. The document aims to provide guidance and greater certainty to developers, infrastructure providers and local communities on the likely infrastructure requirements placed on development in West Oxfordshire.
The consultation document outlines the Council’s approach to securing developer contributions, what developer contributions will be sought in West Oxfordshire and specific procedural matters including legal / administrative fees and the phasing of payments. The methods for securing developer contributions that are outlined in the SPD are Community Infrastructure Levy (which was consulted on earlier this year and is estimated for adoption in early 2021) and planning obligations – Section 106 and Section 278 agreements.
The developer contributions which are outlined include:
- Affordable and custom / self-build housing
- Education
- Transport and movement
- Health and social care
- Employment, skills and training; and
- Utilities.
The consultation is running until 5pm on Monday 21st December 2020. Should you wish to understand what this could mean for your land and developments or are considering commenting on the document, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your options.
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