Oxford Call for Sites

13th July 2021

Oxford City Council have begun a Call for Sites in association with the preparation of the draft Oxford Local Plan 2040.

The call for sites is used to suggest sites within Oxford for consideration for potential future development and allocation in the Local Plan. Allocations for any type of land use will be considered, and for any change of use or intensification. There is no minimum (or maximum) size of site at this stage. The Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment considers all sites and broad locations capable of delivering five or more dwellings, or economic development on sites of 0.25ha (or 500m2 of floor space) and above.

The Council have requested all submissions are received by the 25th August 2021.

Should you have any land holdings where you would be interested to understand development potential and possible inclusion in the Oxford Local Plan 2040, please feel free to contact Edgars. Our staff members would be glad to discuss your enquiry, options and next steps.

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