General Permitted Development Order Consultation

16th March 2023

In response to the Government’s British Energy Security Strategy, the Government has launched a consultation on changes to the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) to extend existing permitted development rights for solar panels and create new permitted development rights for solar car park canopies.

What are the key changes being proposed?  

  • To change the permitted development rights for the installation of solar panels on flat roofs (not currently allowed under GPDO)
  • Removing limitations on the installation of domestic solar panels in Conservation Areas
  • Greater flexibility of the location of standalone solar within the curtilage of dwelling houses (incl Conservation Areas)
  • Remove the 1MW threshold for non-domestic solar panel installation
  • Removing limitations on the installation of non-domestic solar panels in Conservation Areas
  • The creation of new permitted development rights for the development of solar canopies in non-domestic car parks

We are working with our clients to support and facilitate their decarbonisation strategies. The proposed changes to the GPDO represent positive steps to reduce the barriers to the installation of solar energy generation in homes and businesses in England. If enacted, then the amended GPDO will feed into planning strategies of all scales to deliver on decarbonisation strategies of our clients.

When will the consultation close?

Feedback should be submitted before the consultation closes at 11.45 on 25th April 2023.

Amy Powell, Senior Planner at Edgars commented, “It is widely acknowledged that delivering renewable energy at a community level is crucial to our transition to a zero-carbon future. Through my master’s dissertation, I found that permitted development rights are crucial to support community renewable energy, and the extension of permitted development rights proposed will allow for larger-scale projects to fall under permitted development. The proposed changes to the GPDO are therefore a welcome step in reducing barriers for householders, businesses and community groups in installing solar PV in homes and businesses.”

For more information on the consultation or support with decarbonisation strategies in general, get in contact with our team on 01865 731700 or email us via

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