We’re pleased to have recently secured planning permission at appeal for the demolition of a barn and the erection of a replacement building to be used as a dwelling house with associated access and landscaping in the village of Westlington, Buckinghamshire.
The appeal was submitted following the refusal of planning permission in 2022 on the basis that the proposed development constituted the total loss of a non-designated heritage asset and its replacement would fail to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Westlington Conservation Area.
The officer determined that the proposals would deliver insufficient public benefits to outweigh the harm to the non-designated heritage asset and the Conservation Area, and further, that the proposals would lead to an adverse visual impact on this sensitive rural location.
During the appeal process, we outlined where the local authority had not appropriately considered the material considerations in determining the application and dismissed technical reporting, inflated the heritage harm, and did not adequately assess the application as a whole.
The Inspector concluded that claims by the Council that the barn had been neglected were unfounded and that the building’s condition substantially altered its significance and contribution to the Conservation Area. On that basis, and with the Inspector finding the contemporary design of the proposals did not cause harm to the Conservation Area or rural location, they allowed the appeal earlier this year.
As the project planning consultants, we collaborated with the client and a highly skilled technical team to support the appeal, including A Bear and Ball Architects, Heritage Collective UK, Sylva Trees, Swift Ecology, and TAK Structures.
The client was pleased to have secured planning permission for the site and has plans to implement the permission forthwith.
“We’re delighted to have secured planning permission through Edgars and grateful to the team for their efforts and ensuring the planning process ran smoothly.” – Rob Gregory, private individual
If you’re looking for planning consultants to assist you with estate planning, education facilities, masterplanning and more, we can help. Get in touch with us on 01865 731700 or email enquiries@edgarslimited.co.uk
Image credit: A’Bear & Ball Architects