In this update, we’ll be focusing on Oxfordshire and the live and upcoming local plan consultations in this area.
Oxford Local Plan 2040: Draft Local Plan Consultation now live
Oxford City Council’s draft Local Plan 2040 is now out for public consultation until Friday 5 January 2024.
The draft plan proposes substantial policy changes including net zero homes and employment buildings, reducing affordable housing to 40% on sites of 10 or more homes, allowing homes on employment sites, and increasing biodiversity and urban greening requirements.
This is the final consultation stage of the local plan before examination and as such it’s important to submit any comments before the deadline in January.
More information can be found on the Oxford City Council Consultation page.
Oxford Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule Draft Consultation now live
Oxford City Council is also reviewing and consulting on new CIL charging rates alongside the Local Plan 2040. The review proposes to keep charges for most uses the same (including housing), but proposes a 400% increase in rates for business developments from £32 sqm to £158 sqm – citing a significant rise in the value of business space in Oxford City.
Find out more on the Community Infrastructure Levy Partial Review Draft Charging Schedule Consultation page.
Oxfordshire: local plan updates
What else is happening in Oxfordshire on the local plan front?
West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2041
West Oxfordshire District Council recently consulted from August – October 2023 on local plan objectives, strategy options, and a call for sites. Following this, a further Preferred Options Consultation is expected in winter 2023.
Alongside this, in March 2023 it was agreed that new viability evidence was needed to draft a new CIL charging schedule which would also help to inform the Local Plan 2041. The Council has appointed consultants Dixon Searle Partnership to support the draft of a new CIL charging schedule and take it to consultation for comments. The consultation is not yet live, more information is expected soon.
Learn more on the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2041 page.
South and Vale Local Plan 2041
South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council have announced that a Joint Local Plan ‘Preferred Options’ document is expected in early 2024.
This evening, at 6.30 pm, councillors from South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council will meet as part of the Joint Scrutiny Committee. Item 9 on the meeting agenda, will ask the Committee to review the ‘Joint Local Plan 2041 – Preferred Options Document for Consultation’.
Here is a useful interactive map of all the sites submitted through the call for land request.

Find out more on the South and Vale Local Plan 2041 page.
Cherwell Local Plan 2040
Cherwell District Council recently consulted on Preferred Sites and Options from September – November 2023. Following this consultation, the draft Local Plan 2040 is expected to be finalised by September 2024.
If approved by the Council, this proposed Plan will also be published for comments and all observations received will be submitted with that Plan to the Government as part of the Plan’s public examination.
Find out more on the Cherwell District Council Local Plan 2040 page.
We have a wealth of experience with local plans and have successfully prepared a number of site submissions and represented clients at local plan examinations. So, if you wish to explore the consequences of the emerging policy changes, or have sites or proposals which may be affected by them, we would be happy to discuss this with you and make the necessary representations.
For further information on these updates, you can contact Paul Slater, Associate Director here at Edgars via or call 01865 731700.
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