Warwick’s Net Zero Carbon DPD gets the green light

17th May 2024

Leading the way in policy-making, Warwick District Council approached our planning team and Bioregional to provide technical and planning support to Warwick’s Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document (DPD).

A DPD is a planning policy document that makes up the Local Development Plan and is used by planning officers to make decisions on planning applications.

Purpose of the Net Zero Carbon DPD

To support the achievement of national and local carbon reduction targets, the Net Zero Carbon DPD aims to minimise carbon emissions from buildings and ensure that new development in Warwick’s district will be net zero in operation (regulated emissions).

By setting these policies, the Council is employing its powers under the Planning and Energy Act 2008 to enforce more stringent standards on new build development to radically reduce carbon emissions in line with its duty under the Climate Change Act 2008.

As expert sustainability consultants, Bioregional was appointed by the Council to deliver essential technical support to the project. Working closely with Bioregional and the Council, we provided planning and procedural support during the consultation, examination and implementation of the DPD.

Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

During the Net Zero Carbon DPD examination, a need for practical guidance on implementing the new policies was identified, and collaboratively, we worked with Bioregional to produce an SPD in support of the Net Zero Carbon DPD.

The purpose of the Net Zero Carbon SPD is to assist applicants with the implementation of the new policies by providing technical guidance to inform development designs and illustrate the measures applicants must consider in the preparation of an Energy Statement.


To ensure the Net Zero DPD policies were rolled out effectively and efficiently, the Council believed it was essential that all officers were fully trained and up to speed with the policies.

In January 2024, Philippa Hoy, Project Manager at Bioregional, Alex McCann, Net-Zero Specialist at Bioregional, and Amy Powell, Principal Planner at Edgars, provided an all-day training session for officers at Warwick District Council.


The project team worked together to navigate the changing national policy context on this topic and steered the Net Zero Carbon DPD to a successful examination outcome.

On 9 April 2024, the Council received the Inspector’s Report which concluded that the Net Zero Carbon DPD is sound, given that all the main modifications were included in the DPD. The Council updated the DPD including all the main and additional modifications consulted upon.

Following this, the Council approved the adoption of the Net Zero Carbon DPD and SPD at the Council meeting on 15 May 2024. Consequently, the Net Zero Carbon DPD now forms part of Warwick District Council’s Local Development Plan.

Warwick District Council has made significant strides to be at the forefront of policy-making and is one of just a few local authorities in England to be at the stage of adopting ambitious Net Zero Carbon policies as part of a local plan.

We are proud of our contribution to Warwick’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions in new developments ahead of national changes in policy. We look forward to seeing other local authorities take proactive measures as they strive towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Warwick District Council’s Programme Director for Climate Change, Dave Barber commented:

“Reducing the carbon footprint of all buildings is a key priority identified in the Council’s corporate strategy. Housing makes up around 20% of all carbon emissions across Warwick District, with institutional, industrial and commercial buildings making up a further 20%. The Council is therefore delighted to be implementing this planning policy in the district, and also extremely proud to be amongst the first councils in the country to do so.”

“By acting now, the Council can ensure that developers play their part in designing homes that do not use fossil fuels, therefore avoiding the need for expensive retrofits when the old-style energy systems become redundant. This new policy document will enable the district to help address the need for change in the way new homes are built for the benefit of generations to come.”

View the Net Zero Carbon DPD and the full article on Warwick District Council’s website.

Net zero carbon development is a consideration that is increasing in every new project. Get in touch with us on 01865 731700 or email enquiries@edgarslimited.co.uk if we can help to deliver a decarbonisation project, renewable energy proposal or Net Zero policy formation. We are happy to demonstrate our expertise and learnings in this field and help you deliver a more sustainable future.

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