Hannah Wiseman
Associate Director - BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI
Tel: 07742 065839 Email: hannah@edgarslimited.co.ukHannah is an Associate Director at Edgars and is a fully chartered member of the RTPI. Hannah comes from a background with vast experience in planning in both the public and private sector across a career spanning 19 years. Hannah has experience across both rural and urban areas of planning, dealing with the differing constraints and challenges each provide, across all aspects of planning including planning applications, appeals, negotiating enforcement matters and appeals, and lawful use and development certificates.
Hannah has used her knowledge of the workings of local planning authorities in order to help clients deliver various schemes, having led on various proposals for clients which include Local Housing Associations, Local Authorities and small to medium house builders, to individual self-builders.
Hannah has experience in providing bespoke advice to clients based on securing optimum outcomes by collaborating with key stakeholders and ensuring effective communication to achieve this based on understanding the key client specifications.
Over recent years Hannah has developed a specialism in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) saving clients, sometimes thousands of pounds, in reviewing, and/or appealing incorrectly issued CIL Liability Notices.
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