Edgars has been working with Radley College to help deliver the College’s vision of increasing scholarship and bursary places.
As part of this vision, a new boarding house comprising 72 student bedrooms and staff accommodation was proposed to aid the future operation of the school. The development comprised the extension and refurbishment of a property known as ‘The Old Warden’s House’ – former staff accommodation.
The challenge
There were a number of significant issues and designations that required sensitive consideration as part of the planning and listed building consent process.
These included demonstrating the very special circumstances due to the Green Belt location. Owing to the size and sensitivity of the proposals, it was known that the local authority would have to consult with the Secretary of State prior to issuing the decision.
It was also necessary to demonstrate there were no significant heritage impacts, owing to the proximity of several listed buildings; as well as historic landscape, design, environmental and technical issues.
The solution
To demonstrate very special circumstances to outweigh any harm to the Green Belt, it was necessary to prove the need for development proposals in this location, which required the preparation of a comprehensive statement of need. The statement set out precisely why the boarding house is required and how it would meet the requirements of the College’s vision.
The application was supported by a detailed justification of the site selection process, which assessed the suitability of sites with regard to landscape, visual and heritage impact, as well as College operational and safeguarding considerations.
It was also necessary to prepare an overarching masterplan for Radley College which demonstrates the long-term development aspirations and requirements for the campus. This is a live document which is continually updated over time.
The result
Planning permission and listed building consent were both granted on 4th February 2019. The decisions were undertaken under delegated officer powers and the application was not called in by the Secretary of State.
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